Claire Power has been inspiring us with her plant-based meals and cute kids since forever. This plant-based nutritionists loves to help other families thrive on this diet and lifestyle while having fun in the process so if you are not following her you should remedy this now.
Cocobella: If you were stuck on a deserted island with just three foods what would they be?
Claire: That is a hard question! I probably would say avocado, bread to make avocado smash and lots of fruits like bananas.
Cocobella: As you have a lot of family in France you must be used to keeping in touch from a distance. Any tips for those who are missing seeing their family and friends currently?
Claire: Yes, we have been doing video calls all the time for the past 5 years! I do facetime with my grandpa and my parents many times per week.
I think it is great Australia is embracing doing a bit more facetime calls. We called my husband’s family over Easter on facetime. Even though they have always lived in a different state from us, it took this to get them to embrace video calls!
Cocobella: Do your kids eat all plant-based?
Claire: Yes, I want to help other families achieve greater health on a plant-based diet. It does not have to be fully vegan to start with. And yes, my children eat plant-based, but my twins are not fully vegan.
Claire: Why do you think this is a better choice for your family?
Cocobella: It is healthier, packed with vegetables, legumes, whole grains and fruits and it is proven to be the healthiest diet to protect against a lot of diseases.
Claire: What is your favourite recipe for those nights when you can’t really be bothered cooking that your whole family loves.
Cocobella: Pasta dishes with canned lentils or a quick pesto. Or my lentil dhal with rice.
Find endless inspo from Claire on Instagram at @healthyfrenchwife