I love sharing my daily life on social media, and I hope to inspire people to become more aware and conscious of their daily choices in a healthy way. I want to show people that eating healthy and plant based food, plus getting active, can be easy, and that it’s always important to listen to your body!
Being self-employed, I have flexibility during my days to decide what I want to do, but an average day looks something like below. My routine, of course, changes according to the weather but I’ll share what I’d do on a typical sunny Sydney day. On the days that I film my videos, I coordinate around this too!
6:00 am: When I’m in a good routine, I love to wake up early, and I find myself more motivated and productive during the day. In summer I aim to rise with the sun, so roughly around 5:30 – 6 am I’ll get out of bed. Upon waking, I always drink a glass of water.
7 am – 9 am: During this time I prepare for the day ahead, maybe go for a walk at the beach, go for a swim, or instead head to the gym and save my walk and swim for the afternoon. Once I get home, I shower and then make breakfast. For breakfast, I’ll opt for either a smoothie bowl, oats, pancakes, or waffles!
My go-to smoothie recipe is banana, mango, berries, acai, Cocobella Straight Up coconut water, chia or hemp seeds, and maca powder. If I’m having something warm, I’ll add a dollop of Cocobella Natural coconut yoghurt.
10 am – 3 pm: Now, I get working on some content for the day, whether that be recipes and photos for brands, or for my second eBook which I’m currently working on, or filming a YouTube video! Depending on the video, I’ll either spend the entire day filming (vlogs) or recipe videos, which can take anywhere from one to six hours to shoot.
I’ve also recently started my own vegan treats business, so if I have an order then I’ll prepare it and make the delivery. Somewhere throughout the day, I’ll make lunch whenever I get hungry. If I’m really busy I’ll make another smoothie, and If I have time, a big salad or buddha bowl.
3 pm – 6 pm: If I didn’t go for a walk and swim earlier, and the afternoon is still warm, then off to the beach I go! Some days I’ll actually go for two swims if I have the time, because it makes me feel amazing, refreshed, and I love being in the ocean. I’ll also spend some time editing the content I worked on throughout the day – this does sometimes cut into my dinner time, and leads to me going to sleep late, but I am working on my routine and getting to sleep earlier.
6 pm – 8 pm: During this time I prepare dinner, enjoy it, and then clean the kitchen. For dinner, I usually go for Buddha bowls made with a grain like quinoa or rice, greens, veggies, legumes or tofu/tempeh, or I’ll have pasta, stir-fries.. .etc. Any delicious and fresh plant based meal!
8 pm – 10 pm: I usually organise the next day, do some cleaning, have a shower, and head to bed. I’ll be honest – it’s really easy to get caught up in technology so late at night especially with editing, however, by being mindful I am making better choices and focusing on sleep instead of finishing things too late.
10:30 pm – sometimes 11 pm: Sleep time. Goodnight, and see you tomorrow!