There’s a growing concern over the affects of chemicals found in plastic packaging and how they might be contaminating the food and drinks we consume. So what exactly do we have to worry about, where is it found and is it really harmful to us?
Bisphenol A, or BPA, is the chemical in question – and it’s found in a range of everyday plastics including common drink containers, like water bottles and baby bottles; as well as some canned foods. It’s been linked to a range of health problems, including a higher risk of certain cancers, reduced fertility, birth defects and diabetes, and there’s been further support this year that BPA has a direct effect on estrogen receptors and has even been associated with obesity and diabetes.
BPA is banned in most parts of the world, but surprisingly it’s still allowed in Australia. It pays to be cautious about your plastic usage and adopt some healthy habits, so what can you do to limit your intake?
BPA Free: Look for plastic products labeled as BPA-free, just like Cocobella. All of our products are packaged with BPA-free Tetra-Pak packaging, right in the heart of the plantation within a few hours of being harvested.
Bye-Bye Baked Beans: Cut back on plastic lined cans (like the humble baked beans), as most cans are lined with BPA resin. Go to your local farmers market to buy fresh beans instead and make your own baked beans or try out some fresh lentil recipes instead.
Back to Basics: Avoid microwaving plastics or putting them in the dishwasher. The plastic can break down and allow BPA to leach into foods. Try to reheat leftovers on the stove and do your washing up in the sink.
Substitute: Re-organise your kitchen cupboards and replace plastics with glass, porcelain or stainless steel containers.